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Working together for the ultimate brand experience

Royal Canin Design Language

Breakpoint utilities

Utility classes are provided and can be used to hide and show content based on screen sizes.

Max Widths

These classes are used to set a max-width on a container

Utility Class Description
.rc-max-width--sm Sets a max-width of 300px on the container
.rc-max-width--md Sets a max-width of 768px on the container
.rc-max-width--lg Sets a max-width of 1100px on the container
.rc-max-width--xl Sets a max-width of 1400px on the container
.rc-max-width--xxl Sets a max-width of 1800px on the container
.rc-full-width Sets a max-width of 100% on the container

Breakpoint Up

These classes are used to set a Breakpoint Up on a container

Utility Class Description
.rc-xs-up An element with this class will only show on devices which are 480px wide or wider
.rc-sm-up An element with this class will only show on devices which are 640px wide or wider
.rc-md-up An element with this class will only show on devices which are 768px wide or wider
.rc-lg-up An element with this class will only show on devices which are 960px wide or wider
.rc-xl-up An element with this class will only show on devices which are 1024px wide or wider
.rc-xxl-up An element with this class will only show on devices which are 1440px wide or wider

Breakpoint Down

These classes are used to set a Breakpoint Down on a container

Utility Class Description
.rc-xs-down An element with this class will only show on devices which are 480px wide or smaller
.rc-sm-down An element with this class will only show on devices which are 640px wide or smaller
.rc-md-down An element with this class will only show on devices which are 768px wide or smaller
.rc-lg-down An element with this class will only show on devices which are 960px wide or smaller
.rc-xl-down An element with this class will only show on devices which are 1024px wide or smaller
.rc-xxl-down An element with this class will only show on devices which are 1440px wide or smaller